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5 Creative Ideas for Leftover Moving Boxes from your Most-Trusted Small Movers in NYC

Posted on: February 13, 2020 | by: Hall Lane Movers February 13, 2020

Looking for some inventive Do-It-Yourself ideas to use up your old moving boxes? Hate the thought of adding to the seemingly endless stream of everyday recycling? Aside from moving boxes, it seems like just about everything is shipped with cardboard nowadays. But while boxes may seem pretty boring in appearance, they’re actually a fantastic, versatile material to use in a great many DIY projects. If your imagination seems to be failing you right now, don’t worry, Hall Lane has you covered! Our small movers in NYC have brought you these 5 creative ideas for leftover moving boxes that are sure to spark your interest and get your creative juices flowing!

Small Movers NYC - Hall Lane Moving and Storage in Commack, NY

  1. Sturdy, Handmade Postcards

Remember not so long ago when loved ones would send postcards while on vacation? Why not revisit those thoughtful notions of yesteryear with a handmade postcard? Sturdy moving boxes make excellent, original postcards that both adults and kids will have tons of fun creating. The best part? No envelope necessary!

  1. Eco-Friendly Planter Box

Whether you have a seasoned green thumb or have thoughts of experimenting with indoor houseplants for the first time, you can use cardboard to construct a simple planter box. Decorate it with a few embellishments, or keep it as it for a clean, fresh appearance. Make sure to line the inside of the box with a plastic bag so it doesn’t get soggy. Also, poke a few drainage holes so your lovely little plants are never sitting in too much water.

  1. Weed Treatment

Another gardening suggestion is to use moving boxes for a quick weed treatment. Cardboard makes for an all-natural solution to eliminate weeds since it’s a compostable material. Simply cut open the cardboard and lay it flat over any weed-prone spots. Keep the material in place by watering it well so it sticks to the soil. Now, add mulch or soil to cover the area before planting grass seeds, plants or flowers.

  1. Cat Scratch Post

How can you impress your naughty kitty while saving your furniture? With a corrugated cardboard scratching pad! There are tons of great ideas online that are relatively simple to make that come with free directions.

  1. Storage Tote

Another creative DIY project is to turn cardboard boxes into snazzy little storage totes. It’s amazing what you can do with some spray paint, patterned fabric, and leather straps. There are many tutorials available online that you can find with a quick search.

Need small movers in NYC for your relocation? Call us today at Hall Lane Moving and Storage for friendly assistance and competitive rates. When you need small movers in NYC, you need our professionals at Hall Lane!