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Factors for Successful Commercial Moving Services

Posted on: February 24, 2017 | by: Hall Lane Movers November 1, 2017

There is no question that company moves are challenging.Commercial Moving Services | Hall Lane Moving and Storage Especially if you are trying to organize a move for a large corporation, you may feel as though you are fighting an unwinnable battle. Unless you are prepared, commercial moving services can be overwhelming. By knowing the essential factors listed below, your move will be easier, and thereby less stressful.

Key Factors to Consider


  • Creating a Plan – To start with, it is imperative that you devise a proper plan. Hold a meeting with your colleagues or heads of various departments where you can all sit down to work on an effective plan. As part of this, delegate responsibility to specific people, followed by sending out a notice to all company employees so they have this person’s name and know what the expectations are for following orders. Ultimately, this will streamline the commercial moving services for your company.
  • Plan Ahead – When it comes to commercial moving services, you cannot wait until the last minute to organize things. For one thing, you need adequate time to research different moving companies. This gives you the opportunity to compare services, prices, insurance, guarantees, and more. In addition, this gives you time on your end to get things organized so that on the day of the move, things are almost effortless.
  • Employee Preparation – Although the company you hire for commercial moving services will do the majority of packing, moving, and unpacking, your employees will still have some degree of responsibility. Make sure the party you delegated for each department notifies employees as to what their responsibilities are and when each task must be completed. For instance, employees should transport their own plants, fragile family photos, and other personal items.
  • Proper Supplies – Fortunately, the moving company that you hire should provide you with all of the necessary supplies. However, to determine the type and amount actually needed, you want to hire a company that performs a complete assessment weeks in advance of the move.
  • Ask for Help – With commercial moving services, there are multiple things to plan and organize. As the individual in charge, you will quickly feel overwhelmed unless you reach out for help. Never be afraid to ask colleagues to pitch in when you find yourself falling behind schedule.

Although professional commercial moving services will alleviate a lot of your stress, this is a trying event. Therefore, always hire the best company available, plan ahead, and get your coworkers involved.