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How to Do Military Moving the Right Way

Posted on: May 26, 2017 | by: Hall Lane Movers April 2, 2018

Many people have no idea that military moving iMilitary Moving| Hall Lane | Commack s different from standard moving. Although the two share similarities, there are also distinct differences. Typically, there is a lot of red tape associated with moving someone in the military. For that reason, if you are the individual at home who needs to plan and coordinate an upcoming move because of a spouse stationed overseas, it is important to get help.

Since so many military families are uprooted on a regular basis as responsibilities change, it is imperative that you choose a moving company with the appropriate experience for this type of move. Although not in every situation, often a move comes while one spouse is deployed. For the person at home, this complicates things. Fortunately, you can find moving and storage companies that provide specialized services and for a discounted rate.

While in some instances, the military takes charge of moving a family from point A to point B, you may be left to handle everything on your own. Instead of feeling pressure due to all of the decisions involved, you can lean on a professional company to assist and help you reduce your stress. You want to start by identifying three or four companies that deal with military moving, but also those with properly licensing and insurance.

With a list of suitable candidates, you can then conduct more extensive research and contact each one to determine which company best fits your needs. Along with experience moving military families, licensing, and insurance, you should look for companies that offer various add-on services. For example, if you are the one at home and you have small children, packing can be a nightmare. To lessen your load, you can choose a company that offers packing and unpacking services.

You may also need to have a second vehicle, motorcycle, boat, or some other larger item moved, which is an add-on service offered by most reputable moving and storage companies. Although these services come at a higher rate, considering that you will benefit from a military discount, you will have no problem sticking to your budget.

It is also important to note that at no time should you accept an estimate online without having an assessment performed by a representative of the moving and storage company. In fact, for military moving and non-military moving, you should disqualify any storage and moving company that does not offer an in-home assessment.