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Moving During the Holidays

Posted on: November 23, 2021 | by: Hall Lane Movers November 18, 2021

Tips For Moving During The Holidays

During the holidays, most people’s schedules are typically somewhat hectic. Between gift buying, attending school functions and work parties, and untangling all of the decorations, it can feel as though you’re running from one event to the next. However, what if you’re relocating over the holiday season? How can you handle such a monumental task while continuing to enjoy your daily festivities? We have some advice for you!

The key to success in any endeavor is meticulously outlining what things need to be done and when. We propose creating a list of all holiday obligations (e.g., the business Christmas party, the children’s school play) and holiday wishes (like taking an evening to drive around and view light displays).


Following that, schedule particular days for packing up your current residence.   These recommendations will assist you in achieving even greater success:


  • Begin packing as soon as possible. Start staging your boxes a few weeks before your move. If you have a garage, this location may be great. Then proceed room by room, beginning with the items that will not accompany you. Moving is a fantastic opportunity to organize your belongings! Then, room by room, pack up everything non-essential. Pack your books, as well as your off-season apparel, items from the attic, additional bedding, and so on.


  • Hire movers to transport large pieces of furniture and boxes. Contact movers as soon as you have a firm date for your closing to ensure they are available. Numerous online recommendations are accessible, and you should always check with the Better Business Bureau. While movers can be expensive, you may be tempted to attempt a same city move without them, but budget for them nonetheless. Movers are well worth their money and can substantially speed up your relocation.


  • The holidays are a time to rejoice, and just because you are relocating does not mean you cannot decorate! Numerous festive Holiday decorations do not require many materials to look fantastic. Depending on how close your moving date is to Christmas, you may want to wait to put up a tree until you settle into your new home, or you may want to put up a tree but not all of your ornaments. This year is an excellent time to decorate just with lights, strung popcorn, and tinsel, allowing for a rapid takedown and packing the day before you move.


  • Involve Your Family. Allow the burden of your obligations not to detract from your typical delight of the holidays—get out and enjoy them! Keep an eye on your calendar and schedule time for the enjoyable rituals that your family appreciates, particularly if you have children. Engage in community activities both before and after your holiday relocation! This year, schedule time to experience some traditional community rituals before your departure. After the relocation, exploring can be a great way to unwind and escape the stress of moving and unpacking. Go get some hot cocoa and coffee and take a drive around your new area, observing the lights. If your children are small, take them to their new mall to visit Santa and inform him of your relocation—or, if timing is not an issue, make this visit before the big move.


  • Avoid becoming overwhelmed by the task of unpacking the entire house; instead, make time to enjoy the holidays! After that, you’ll have plenty of time to unpack, and you can now take your time putting up some of your traditional Christmas decorations to make your new apartment feel like home.