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Tips for Moving During COVID-19

Hall Lane offers these tips for Moving During COVID-19

The onset of COVID-19 has created an unprecedented change in the way we do everything from going to school and work to how we shop. It seems like every day, the information we see in the press and hear from our government changes. Each day brings new worries about how we are to protect ourselves and keep our families safe. Moving during COVID requires a new approach to ensure your family (and the movers) stay safe throughout the process.


Start with the Right Moving Company

Perhaps the most important step in moving with COVID is to make sure you hire a professional moving company with a strong reputation for safety. The movers you choose should be prepared to discuss the precautions their entire crew, including packers, loaders, and drivers will take to protect your family during the moving process.

The coronavirus has also changed the way reputable moving companies conduct moving estimates. Where once, an agent would come to your home, complete a walkthrough inspection, and then give you a moving quote, most now offer a virtual estimating process using your cell phone or tablet’s camera and video features and video chat to live stream a walkthrough in cooperation with the agent. Be sure there is plenty of light, and your batteries are fully charged to ensure the estimator can see everything they ask to see.

Keep It Clean

At no time has it been more important than when you are moving during COVID to ensure your house is properly cleaned and disinfected. By following the CDC cleaning guidelines, you can help protect the moving team and the rest of your family. Be sure you don’t mix cleaning chemicals and keep the windows open.

While we have spent centuries shaking hands with those we meet, this is not the time to do so; instead, a simple greeting will more than suffice. During the entire time, our team is onsite; please be sure to maintain six-foot social distancing. Let our team do the work rather than trying to step in and help. Be sure you keep kids and pets out of the way (such as in a separate room or at a family member or friend’s house).

Provide our team with a place to wash their hands frequently and with disinfecting wipes for use on door handles, toilet flush handles, faucets, and anything else they are likely to touch. Hand sanitizers should also be provided. Follow all CDC recommended protocols, including making sure everyone is wearing a mask. Finally, be sure you disinfect your new home before we arrive with your household goods and have a place for the team to wash their hands along with plenty of sanitizers while they are unloading and unpacking.

Contact Us

If your plans include moving during COVID and you would like more information regarding how to move safely, contact Hall Lane Moving and Storage at (631) 734-0212. Our moving team can help ensure you are ready for our team to arrive and schedule a time for your virtual tour. Call us today and let’s get started!

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